Wednesday, May 20, 2009

2009 Summer Tax Tips from Tax Pro Plus

Tax extensions are due for individuals on October 15th, 2009

Corporation extensions are due on September 15th, 2009

State of California is requiring that corporations pay estimated taxes.

First Time home buyers get a credit of up to $8000 (first time home buyers are people that haven't had a house in the last 3 years). Credit is good for houses purchased prior to December 1st, 2009.

Taxpayers can get a credit from the sales that they paid for a new car purchased this year.

Checks for $250 are going out to Social Security receipents which is part of the stimulus package.

Individual taxpayers are getting their stimulus money in their monthly checks. Starting in April their checks should have gone up about $15 each week.

We also help our clients pay less taxes we make suggestions to small businesses that they may need to be incorporated and we can help clients go through this process.